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House Rules

Fate's Hand Tavern - Crucible of Fate
  • Critical Hits and Misses

    In my games, I only use Critical Hits for Attack Rolls. To assure that a Critical Hit does a decent amount of damage, the initial weapon damage is maxed and then damage is rolled normally. All additional damage dice that are added to an attack would be doubled as per RaW. For example, if a character rolled a crit while attacking with a Shortsword, the damage would be 1d6 (normal weapon damage) +6 (maxed damage on the damage die) + modifiers. Any damage that can be added due to abilities, spells, etc would just have their damage dice doubled. So a Sneak attack that would normally add 2d6, would add 4d6 damage on a Crit.

    Spells that require an Attack roll are also subject to the initial damage dice being maxed.

    Skill Checks, Ability Checks, or any other checks other than Attack Rolls use the total of the roll plus modifiers and do not automatically succeed with a 20, nor do they automatically fail with a with a 1.

  • Character Death

    At the moment that it becomes clear that a character is about to die, they will be given an opportunity to provide a valid, relevant, applicable, rules appropriate reason why they should not die. If no such reason exists, then the character’s death is described in gruesome detail by the Host and they are eliminated from the game.

    When a contestant dies, their inventory remains on their corpse until claimed by another contestant or creature.

  • Soulbinding

    Contestants can use one Fate Sphere each to Soulbind to one another. A third contestant could use a Fate Sphere to Soulbind to a willing, existing Soulbound pair. Soulbound contestants are choosing to be allies, vowing not to harm one another so long as they both remain alive.

    • If Soulbound contestants survive an episode, they will move to the next Round together, participating in the same episode together as opposed to being randomly assigned to episodes separately.
    • If a Soulbound contestant kills someone they are Soulbound to, their alignment changes to Chaotic Evil.
    • If a Soulbound contestant dies, any contestants that are Soulbound to them receive two levels of Exhaustion due to the trauma of having someone you were so connected to be killed.
  • Social Rolls

    Social Rolls are Skill Checks that can be used to influence and manipulate other contestants, including Intimidation, Persuasion and Deception. Social Rolls can be used to force other contestants to act in a manner that the initiator of the Social Roll desires, within limitations.

    • A successful Intimidation Social Roll will cause the target to be scared by the intimidator. The intimidated contestant will subserviently agree to any courses of action requested by the initiator as per the Charm spell, but the effect lasts for an entire episode. Essentially the target would do anything within reason requested by the initiator other than harming themselves.
    • A successful Persuasion Social Roll will cause the target to agree to any courses of action requested by the initiator as per the Charm spell, but the effect lasts for an entire episode. Essentially the target would do anything within reason requested by the initiator other than harming themselves.
    • A successful Deception Social Roll will cause the target to believe anything the initiator says for an entire episode.

    To initiate a Social Roll, a contestant must use a Fate Sphere. Then a contested roll is made between initiator’s manipulation and target’s resistance as per below:

    • Intimidation: Initiator’s Intimidation Skill Check using Strength or Charisma as the Ability Modifier against the target’s choice of Strength, Intelligence or Charisma Saving Throw.
    • Persuasion: Initiator’s Persuasion Skill Check against the target’s choice of Insight Skill Check or Wisdom or Charisma Saving Throw.
    • Deception: Initiator’s Deception Skill Check against the target’s choice of Insight Skill Check or Intelligence Saving Throw.

    The victim of a successful Social Roll can choose to go along with the consequences or if they wish to resist the manipulation, can use a Fate Sphere at any time to roll another resistance check to once again try to beat the Initiator’s original manipulation roll.